So, I've been taking an at-home book curation class, which means that I am learning how to repair books. It has been very fascinating to say the least.
Tonight we le
arned a few things ... one of which deals wit
h removing tape. So, if you need to remove scotch tape from a page and it takes part of the page, like this ..
Then you take the piece of scotch tape with the text on it and you soak it in rubbing alcohol. You gently remove the paper from the tape like this ....

Then, you dry and press the paper before returning it to the page.
Very cool.
I also made a box for a book. If you have a book that is too damaged to be repaired or if it is too fragile, then you can make a box for it. This is what mine ended up looking like ...

The boxes were very fun to make. I'm thinking this might be my next project--book boxes!
That class is so perfect for you. For as long as I have known you, you have been experimenting with making books so repairing them makes sense.
Look at you! I'm so impressed. I love clamshell boxes too. It brought back fun memories of working in book repair at the library. We'll have to discuss this in more depth soon.
Jenny, this isn't a clamshell box made with book board. This is made with corrugated paper. It is soooo much easier than a clamshell, and it takes a lot less time.
We should make them sometime.
Bre! I miss you so much! i love reading your blog and your beautiful insights!! i hope that you are doing well my dear friend!
Thanks for theidea of the rubbing alcohol...I've wondered about getting the page off the tape before! Happy book repairs!
Sounds so fun, Breanne. I'd love to hear more. I have 2 crumbling books that are almost 100 years old. A Book of Mormon and a Book of Commandments. I love how they look, though, so I don't know if I want to keep them in a box. Maybe that's selfish of me.
Also, I still need to learn more about the art of journal making. I bought 3 hardback books a while back after you told me a little bit. I want journal creating to be my new favorite pastime!
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