This post is from Emily, Breanne's sister. To those of you who love Breanne I wanted you to know that early Saturday morning her apartment in Salt Lake City was involved in a 4 Alarm fire. She is fine. However her apartment was destroyed as were most of her belongings. We were able to go back into the building for a few things yesterday and thankfully found many of her journals, some of her mission treasures, photos and books. Everything else is gone. She is an amazing person with strong faith and will rise from the ashes.
Thanks to all those who have called, and been available when she has needed assistance.
If you would like to check out the news stories you can go to KSL.com Laura Lee who was interviewed is Breanne's roommate, and a few of the pictures are of her apartment. The above picture is of what is left of the living room, the bedrooms were worse off. We feel so blessed as a family that she is safe and with us.If you would like to help out in anyway you can contact Emily McAllister at adaisy4em@yahoo.com
oh wow. Thanks for the update--I'm so sorry she has to go through this again!!!
Oh my goodness, Breanne! So sorry. How awful. I'm glad you're okay and that you were able to recover some important things.
I'm so glad you guys are okay. What I can't believe is that the complex was looted. Absolutely pathetic.
I am so glad you are okay. My prayers are with you!
Breanne, I'm so sorry to hear you're having to deal with this for a second time (!), but I'm happy to hear that you're okay.
What are the chances that this would happen to Breanne again? Just want you to know I am thinking about you Breanne and keeping you in my prayers.
My dear Breanne! I was so happy to have found your blog again, but now I'm so sad to hear about your apartment. What a traumatic experience, and I am so relieved you're safe. I know it's been about a month since the fire, but I'll remember you in my prayers. And I'm way over due for some Breanna time. I miss you, and tonight I was talking to my friend Heather about you, which inspired me to look for you even though it's after 2 a.m.! :)
You're going through this for a SECOND time? Oh my goodness!! Grover! Good grief, girl! I love you lots. SO glad you're okay. So sorry to hear about the fire. That is terrible.
Oh my. I was feeling a little dejected that you never emailed me back....... but now I am feeling a little selfish! I had no idea. I will be thinking of you- and I am guessing from the other comments- 2 times??? Again, oh my. I am so glad that you were not hurt. I hope life is coming quickly back together.
Wow! I just checked your blog and can't believe it. I'm glad you are okay and I'm so sorry about the fire! I can't believe it happened again! I hope you're doing okay.
Oh, Breanne! When I saw the feature on KSL news last month, I had no idea that this fire struck your living quarters! I am so glad your life was protected and that the Lord did not allow the flames to engulf some of your most treasured belongings. Your faith is inspirational! Your life's mission is invaluable, and no doubt the Adversary knows it. I'm just so grateful that the Lord is infinitely stronger and is leading you along.
Breanne, I'm so sorry to hear that!! I'm so glad that you're okay and that you were able to reclaim a few treasured items.
Hey Breanne- I realized that I have never really looked at your blog until I got on another family members and saw a link. Sorry. I hope that you had a great time in Spain and France. I love your front picture on your blog. It looks like a Nantucket scene from a magazine. Love you and I hope everything is going well!
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