Small Thing #1
As most of you know, I drive a VW Jetta circa 1991. In the past two weeks, I replaced the windshield, had safety and emissions done, and got new tires. Well, during the safety and emissions testing, the driver's side door handle broke off. Luckily, he advised me to get it fixed. Blessed man. So, I ordered the door handle online that night.
Yesterday, I took my car in for what sounded like some congestion under the hood. Turns out I have a bad water pump. I also have a slight coolant leak and an oil drip. Well, Frank is nice enough to fix the later two under the labor of the first. But, here comes the good part. I wasn't expecting to have my handle in for another few days, but Amelia had been home to Centerville yesterday. As we were coming out of the temple last night she mentions that she has a box for me. I was thrilled. It indeed was my door handle, and now Frank can also fix my door. (By the way, Frank is such a great name for a mechanic.) This will be very convenient since I currently have to open the back door and pop open the front. That small thing made me so happy. Sometimes all we need is a little goodness to keep us wading through the not-so-goodness.
Small Thing #2
This little drawing made me laugh. My friend Amy Morris sent me to a blog that had this joke. Amy has the amazing ability of finding the coolest blogs out there. Thanks Amy.
For those of you who don't know, the Grover Family has this often-criticized fetish for orange circus peanuts. We grew up eating them, and we still love them. Most of the in-laws and other friends love to tease us about our unusual taste for them. But don't worry, we are passing the tradition on to the little ones. I had to laugh at myself and all the Grovers when I saw this--
So the small orange goodness that I love despite any criticism and the small laugh-at-yourself moment you take for liking something that seems to resemble packing peanuts makes for a wonderful Friday.
First of all why are you up at 0528, and second why are you posting that early.
As I read your post I realized a couple of those small things in the last two days. Wednesday Dan got home a little early and we were going to exercise. I didn't feel like doing our DVD. The weather was mild and so I went for a run. It has been about a year since I ran outside. I loved every minute of it. Just by Dan coming home a little early I was able to have that pleasure again. the other small thing I was thinking of was yesterday I was able to go Christmas shopping. I love giving gifts so to be able to get outside and go get some was wonderful. I am also greatful for getting outside from time to time and being about to see more of the sky than about 2ft x 4ft.
I would rather eat the packing peanuts.
Thank you for the reminder about simple things. I love Orange Packing Peanuts and am so glad for the reminder that they are so yummy. They make me think of giggling and being with my sisters those two things always make me happy. Small and Simple Things.
Dan, there are water soluble packing peanuts. You should try them. Then you might like circus peanuts.
Oooo! Circus peanuts! I love those things! They remind me of the "candy man". Don Riley - an older man in my ward growing up who was in an electric wheelchair. He always had a bag of candy (often those orange peanuts) at church and afterwards the children would crowd around him as he passed out candy to each child. What a wonderful man he was. I miss him.
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